By dickofbrokendreams - 02/03/2015 05:14 - United States - Waynesville
By dickofbrokendreams - 02/03/2015 05:14 - United States - Waynesville
By Redhead - 22/08/2018 06:00
By bathtime - 21/12/2011 04:32 - United States
By displeased - 05/04/2012 06:47 - United States - Candler
By Anonymous - 01/06/2020 23:00
By grizzlybear - 27/06/2011 05:55 - Mexico
By Anonymous - 22/03/2013 23:21 - Canada - Oakville
By cantgetitupcantgetiton - 14/01/2010 01:02 - United States
By 4fucksake - 18/07/2010 23:26 - Ireland
By Anonymous - 16/02/2023 02:00
By anon. - 17/01/2012 23:41 - United States
Maybe there's a more personal reason behind all this. Maybe he had an unpleasant experience in his past? Just sit down with him and have a heart to heart and explain how you feel, let him have his say and hopefully you can both come up with a solution together
Be realistic. You're not in the honeymoon period. If he can't handle his issues now then get out before your fiancé becomes your husband, because then it will be a lot harder to walk away.
Guess he's watched the episode of Grey's Anatomy in which Sloan's member has been broken by mini Grey ..
Never forget mini grey :'(
Your fiancé has a fear. Instead of complaining to us, try supporting him.
you're not gna like this but your boy is disgracing men everywher. I'm sorry for u miss OP but mayb it's time to hit next. scared of sex lol smh..
he might no be into girls...
The penile fracture can happen either way if you are not careful enough
I mean... it's a real fear. I don't want a broken dick. Well that's my excuse for being alone atleast.
When did this fear start? I'm not Dr. Phil, but my gut tells me that's not the real reason he won't have sex with you.