By dickofbrokendreams - 02/03/2015 05:14 - United States - Waynesville
By dickofbrokendreams - 02/03/2015 05:14 - United States - Waynesville
By Redhead - 22/08/2018 06:00
By bathtime - 21/12/2011 04:32 - United States
By displeased - 05/04/2012 06:47 - United States - Candler
By Anonymous - 01/06/2020 23:00
By grizzlybear - 27/06/2011 05:55 - Mexico
By Anonymous - 22/03/2013 23:21 - Canada - Oakville
By cantgetitupcantgetiton - 14/01/2010 01:02 - United States
By 4fucksake - 18/07/2010 23:26 - Ireland
By Anonymous - 16/02/2023 02:00
By anon. - 17/01/2012 23:41 - United States
unless something has happened to him to make him think this I highly doubt that would happen that is unless you guys are completely nuts in tht department. sure its a possibility but the likelihood is very small and realistically if was going to break something I rather it happen during least it would be a great story lol
hm must be a deep psychological fear
That doesn't seem right... I'm sure it's possible that someone could have that fear but, is that the real reason?
is your ****** a Plier or maybe bit his b4
I volunteer as tribute
That would indeed be painful,But he should get over his fear like come on how likely is that???
does he let you give him ********?
Sorry OP, but I'm thinking it has more to do than with that excuse. You need to have a serious talk with him. There's more to it in my opinion.
tell him that just because it's called boner that doesn't mean that it has bones.. penis does not have bones.. so tell him it only ruptures and does not break...
#43 if it comforts you ... there is no technical name for penis break or fracture in medical terminology.
This is the most idiotic thing I've read all day!
I mean... it's a real fear. I don't want a broken dick. Well that's my excuse for being alone atleast.
When did this fear start? I'm not Dr. Phil, but my gut tells me that's not the real reason he won't have sex with you.