By whoanoa - 10/03/2010 03:12 - United States

Today, I discovered that my mother uses my eyebrow tweezers to pull ticks off the dog. She also hasn't figured out that just dipping the tweezers in alcohol doesn't automatically sterilize them. Especially if there is icky dog hair still stuck on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 444
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Actually, alcohol will kill most bacteria, so you're wrong. But I agree that it's sick that she's using them in the first place, and going through the trouble of sterilizing them without removing the hair. There's tweezers at Walgreen's for a dollar and they work just fine on my eyebrows... if you're not a caveman, it shouldn't be a big deal to get a new one (at least she wasn't using your hairbrush on the dog and GIVING you ticks).


Who says she uses the tweezers for her eyebrows? Maybe she uses it for her pubes? So what if she has ticks in her pubes? Shave half of the pubes off, and the other half, light it on fire. The ticks that run to the other side, you can burn with a magnifying glass.

Fminetoo 0

Today, I had great sex with a woman with no pubic hair. She plucks it all out with tweezers because she hates razor-burn. Her family also uses the same tweezers to pull ticks off the family dog. FML

I guess it would depend in how hairy you were but I still couldn't imagine pulling hairs off my balls one by one.

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Hahaha!! Wow, snicks. I feel pitty on the tick that decides to take you on. The tick: *sniff, sniff* "What's that sme--oh shit!" *ass evaporates*

Isopropyl alcohol should kill any ticks left on the tweezers. In the rare chance they survived ticks will not stay on cold metal tweezers they will search out a new host so if you do have ticks they're likely not on your eyebrows

jisaac09 25

wh-what??? Ticks are pretty noticeable on small objects like tweezers..... i believe the OP is talking bout the germs that the tick and/or the dog might have been carrying.....