By nomorecleaning - 16/03/2013 12:17 - United States - Augusta

Today, I discovered that the reason my mom hasn't been noticing the extra cleaning I've done lately is because her boyfriend took credit when she asked about it; and was rewarded for it in bed. I helped him get with my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 157
You deserved it 4 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RAGE5119 9

You should put another girls underwear in there an then let him take credit!


Ha! What a poor, sad, desperate excuse of a boyfriend. So listen up Cinderella, EVERY SINGLE TIME you clean something in the house, get it on video and show your mom. And he might accuse you of making a fake cleaning vid, so show the dirt and dust that YOU cleaned up. Don't let that sappy pervert get all the credit for YOUR hard work, OP.

Sorry if this comment seemed a bit rough, but that's just me. Rough and tough. Don't like it? You don't have to. But take my advice and pretty soon you'll send him packing.

I don't think that's a reward you want.