By nomorecleaning - 16/03/2013 12:17 - United States - Augusta

Today, I discovered that the reason my mom hasn't been noticing the extra cleaning I've done lately is because her boyfriend took credit when she asked about it; and was rewarded for it in bed. I helped him get with my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 157
You deserved it 4 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RAGE5119 9

You should put another girls underwear in there an then let him take credit!


perdix 29

What are you going to do with a "thank-you *******?" If you are doing extra cleaning to win praise and brownie points, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Creds for the best FML in a very long time. You earned it.

Hardwarre 7

You can help him break up with her too

Urgh I misread that as "my boyfriend" at first.

icadragoon 11

Could be worse, your mom could know it was you and want to get with you :P. Cheer up OP.

Why does it matter if she noticed. Why can't you just be nice and clean up around the house for her so she doesn't have to. It's called being a good child.

kitten1323 19

Because parents need to learn how to be more appreciative of their children. Respect is earned. Not given.

And it's more that this f*ckwit is taking credit for something he didn't do. Wouldn't you be pissed if you did something that someone else took credit for and was rewarded for that? I don't think OP would have minded as much if the cleaning went unnoticed if this guy hadn't claimed he'd done it.

generalasskicker 12

Whip his ass if you can't wait till he's asleep and superglue his balls to the top of his dick

Now: stop doing the extra work, and let him get no-nookie for slacking?