By Whoops - 03/09/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, I discovered the guy that sits next to me in class is actually a girl. Not only is that bad, but we had to write a paper about each other. I used the words "him" and "he", and read it to the whole class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 269
You deserved it 42 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are some people like that at my school, including a teacher. Nobody knows whether it's a man or a woman, so we can't say "Mr." or Ms." We try not to address him/her at all, and in private we just call the teacher "it." We always feel bad about it, but there's seriously no way to tell. Some people are just like that.


F I L - Fuq Its Life!! For you (OP) - it's just a 'Meh...'

this is slightly understandable if they were just in your class, but SAT NEXT TO YOU? Wow.

wow, thats horrible. but still, im sure that if u had to write about her u would have to know that she's a girl. seriously...u sat next her. but of course it could have been a mistake.... u better apologize, cuz if u dont ur douche bag

Ooh that's totally happened to me before, not in front of the whole class, but I definitely called a guy "she" in front of a bunch of people... I felt AWFUL. But I'm sure that person felt worse... FHL if you ask me...

cartering 0

The correct pronouns for transgendered people are "zhe" and "hir"

cartering 0

A dyke is a lesbian. Most girls dressing as boys are heterosexual,asexual or bisexual. And either androgynous or planning or beginning the transition to FtM and can't be consired dykes by any reasonable stretch of the definition for dyke

this isnt a **** your life, this is a **** their life because your insulting them, quiet funny though, i have to admit

if people ask, just be like "what....? what are you talking about.....? i said 'she/her' ......" bahaha xP

that really sucks. & every time I go to the mall I see at least one person I cannot tell if they're a boy or girl. haha it's difficult sometimes! :p