By Whoops - 03/09/2009 20:28 - United States

Today, I discovered the guy that sits next to me in class is actually a girl. Not only is that bad, but we had to write a paper about each other. I used the words "him" and "he", and read it to the whole class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 269
You deserved it 42 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are some people like that at my school, including a teacher. Nobody knows whether it's a man or a woman, so we can't say "Mr." or Ms." We try not to address him/her at all, and in private we just call the teacher "it." We always feel bad about it, but there's seriously no way to tell. Some people are just like that.


why didnt you just change it to her and she as you read it?

Is it really that hard? I once met a cross dresser whom everyone was certain was a female, but after sitting next to them (your situation) it was kinda obvious the gender...

big woops is more like it. you should have been more careful RI

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

who cares if you moderated it's your fault all we see are lame fmls

tpbdogs57 0

lol, 33's comment made my day

What grade are you in? Maybe if she hasn't hit puberty yet I could see, and had a butch haircut on top of it. Or just always wore really baggy clothes. But seriously, didn't you ever talk to her? Hear her voice? Did you know her name?

Danm that must of been one ugly chick! She probaly had a mustache

applelover1995 0

lol just apologize n laugh it off i kno i would hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha