By wilks311 - 02/02/2013 14:12 - United States - Southampton

Today, I discovered the true meaning of being scared shitless. My father in a clown costume emerged from my closet. Needless to say something emerged from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 192
You deserved it 3 023

wilks311 tells us more.

It all started at my five year old birthday party...where I met Bobo the clown...he scared me.


Now, this is the true meaning of terrorism other than using the restroom after Osama bin Laden.

I feel your pain Op... I am deathly afraid of clowns...

I would be traumatized for the rest of my life. Clowns are the scariest thing in hell.

I feel for you OP. I myself have the worst fear of clowns. Having one appear from my cupboard would leave me haunted for life :/

Which would make it even more scary. Is there anything scarier than a miniature clown wielding a sharp, miniature knife? Like in Puppetmaster?

a little girl in a white dress standing at the end of your hallway holding a teddy bear and not saying anything? maybe have her sing ring around the rosy...

hellobobismyname 24

I can sympathize. When I was a kid I was terrified of clowns or anything in a costume. And my parents would hire clowns or have my parties in venues with mascots like Jollibee every year on my birthday. I'd literally just cry under a table til they stopped trying to entertain me. But eventually I got over my fear. Maybe that was the plan all along. And maybe your dad is trying to expose you to clowns to erase your fear, while trying to have fun with it. Poor you though, if your fear is extreme people shouldn't try to have fun with it. FYL.

Or he just did it because he enjoys watching me break Usain Bolt's records...

Did he have a cotton candy gun? If so, that wasn't your Dad, that was a killer clown from outer space! I feel for you, OP. Clowns are freaky, but I think porcelain dolls are worse.

Could have been worse. Could have been 10 clowns and they could have started juggling and squirting each other with seltzer. Or it could have been one mime. I hate mimes.

ulissey_fml 22

America, the rest of the world has no idea why you have developped this mass phobia of clowns. Can anybody please explain?

It all started at my five year old birthday party...where I met Bobo the clown...he scared me.

John Wayne Gacy. He was a serial killer who sometimes dressed as a clown and performed at children's parties to earn a few bucks. OP, does your dad know you're coulrophobic? If so then he was being an ass. Exploiting peoples' phobias just for the fun of seeing their shocked reaction is pretty reprehensible behavior. FYL

Have you seen "Cabin in the Woods", 33? /shudder/

America? I'm English and I know loads of people who are scared of clowns. It's not just isolated to one country.