By perenoel - 03/12/2011 16:24 - France

Today, I dressed up as Santa Claus for my employees' children. After seeing all the others, my daughter's turn arrived. She sat on my lap, put her lips to my ear, and whispered softly: "I want a new dad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 028
You deserved it 6 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whisper back: "and I wanted a boy, but that didn't happen either."


Ouch. That has to suck. Sounds like you need to have a talk with your daughter about the way she feels about you. Most likely it's because she's mad at you for some silly reason, like not buying her a toy she wanted or not being home often enough, or something. Kids don't often realize that what they say can be very hurtful, or they just repeat what they hear because they know it's effective for some reason without truly understanding what it means. Hope you get it all figured out soon.

StitchnLilo 24
lucyinthesky420 10

She'll want you around one day.. Hopesfully :3

There might be something wrong with you too... Just sayin... Children tend ro be honest

jwade11 12

Wow soooooooooooo sorry!!! Children just sometimes don't like their parents because you discipline them and whatnot! Dont take it personal!

119 is right. I disliked my dad simply because he was stricter than my mum. However I'm thinking it's possible his daughter knew, and was just winding him up.

bubo_fml 10

Are you 100% sure she doesn't already have one?!