By Fml24609 - 20/08/2010 06:20 - United States

Today, I ended up sleeping on the dirty floor because my sister didn't want to share a king size bed with me. She got up to get a drink and stepped on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 763
You deserved it 5 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments


eldiablo2196 0
codymaxey033 0

YDI for sleeping where people step

Phoenix1023 3

Hope OP and the sister were trashed or it's a FHL. She ain't babysitting you is she?

1) Why would you share a bed with your sister? Even if it's King Sized, it's incestuous. 2) Whenever I have to sleep on the floor (Family are round/not enough beds) I put something on the floor, even if it's clean. E.g a towel or a duvet. 3) Make sure you don't sleep in the way of anything, especially feet.

There's nothing wrong with sharing a bed with your sister. Sharing a bed doesn't always result in sleeping with each other. If you do think so, then your mind is very screwed up and you should go to see a shrink.

RedPillSucks 31
UpYoursInAdvance 0

**** that , You better hop the **** up on that bed next time!