By Fml24609 - 20/08/2010 06:20 - United States

Today, I ended up sleeping on the dirty floor because my sister didn't want to share a king size bed with me. She got up to get a drink and stepped on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 763
You deserved it 5 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments


CovertMilitance 0

YDI for sleeping next to the bed like a retarded animal

just tell her to quit being a brat and share! or make a scene in front of your parents about fairness. that's what I do :)

TheBestManEver 0

OP never said they had parents.

princess579 0

lmao dis made me laugh (: my sis would do sumthing like dat >.< lol

do somethin about itt dont just sound like a little bitchhhhh yooo when shes sleepin put a snake n when ur done sleepinn leave aa supriseee in a bedddd :D

vampiregirl412 0

90- why do you talk like that? I hate when people talk like that cuz you never know what the **** their talking about. Little thing I like to call PUNCTUATION.

127 why the **** are does it matter how the way i type i do know how to type properly okay? i didn't ask you how much hate people talk just because the way they talk as you can see I'm not the only one in who does so kill yourself or do something useful with your life instead of telling somebody "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO THEY ARE"? that you hate the way type get off my dick guy

Ouch. At least she didn't step on your "naughty bits."

YDI, for not standing your ground and sleeping on the floor. Your sister proved people can walk all over you. Grow a spine!!!!

emilyk123 0

wow your sister seems nice..... NOT!

FleshForFantasy 3

You should have punched her or something. That's really messed up.

dancerluv191 5

kick her in the clam and call her a bitch then settle in to your king size bed.