By Anonymous - 10/08/2013 04:41 - United States - Greeley

Today, I enlisted in the military. My dad now finds it necessary to act like a drill sergeant. This includes yelling at me everywhere we go to prepare me for basic training. Training begins in four months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 748
You deserved it 6 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

He's just trying to get you used to it now. But, thank you for enlisting.

As a former Marine I feel compelled to say, hahaha.


I wish you luck! And a thank you for your service :)

Sucks, butsucks but, thanks. Thanks for trying to provide a safe future for me. I already said it so you better nor **** up!

he's doing you a favor...suck it up Suzy....

cylus13 9

You my not like it now. But I'm sure you will thank him later. I am a vet myself and a word of advice. The yelling is mostly just head games to break you down and rebuild you. I would also suggest that you start going push-ups and sit-up every day. 3 or 4 times a day if you can. I hope this helps you OP.

Good luck, OP, regardless of branch! :) I'm in the air force, myself. I think your dad's just trying to be funny. Don't let it bother you, now or in basic. And, if you're going Air Force, live each week by grilled cheese and Jesus.

Cod3r3d96 3

Thank you for serving our country :) and good luck at boot camp remember Three things will let u live threw Boot Camp be fast be loud and don't think (do as you're told )

coloredsox 5

They don't yell at you the whole time during basic. Just the beginning and if you mess up.