By Anonymous - 10/08/2013 04:41 - United States - Greeley

Today, I enlisted in the military. My dad now finds it necessary to act like a drill sergeant. This includes yelling at me everywhere we go to prepare me for basic training. Training begins in four months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 749
You deserved it 6 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

He's just trying to get you used to it now. But, thank you for enlisting.

As a former Marine I feel compelled to say, hahaha.


greggly123 6

Enlisted in the military huh? Must not have been able to get into college

Well aren't you an elitist dick. You can take that shitty attitude and **** right off.

I joined the military after I went to college. Helps you get this nice thing called rank sooner.

Well said, Doc! Why is it that everyone assumes that just because you joined the military it means you are an uneducated slouch who couldn't hack it in the real world? I'm 4 classes away from a bachelors in electrical engineering. I came from a military family, enlisting was a matter of honor and pride. What happened to patriotism in this country? I know our government is flawed and that things have went down hill, but without true patriots giving their time and effort, it will never get better. Be proactive, not reactive people! This is a free country, let your voice be heard! Stand up for what you believe in BEFORE it is taken away. If you won't, don't bitch about it after it is...that's too little too late. Diversity and the right to think and do things differently are what makes this country great, I think a lot of people have lost sight of this. Don't try and enforce your way of thinking on everyone, everybody has their own opinions on what is the right way to live. Just because you don't agree with it or it offends you doesn't mean it's wrong, they have the same rights you do. Think twice about voting into law things to further your agenda, think about the freedom of others too. My belief is as long as it isn't physically hurting me or anyone else, do as you wish. That's the way it should be....that's freedom.

Martinez0285 28

unless pops was in the military himself... then nothing he can do will prepare you for the hell you will go through... OH wait I forgot... all you new people arnt allowed to get hit or yelled at anymore... smh...what a Damn shame.. I had two cracked ribs from a DS and it was awesome... that was REAL basic ... either way.. kudos to you and best of luck.. HOOAH

I'm sorry and this will get thumbs down but females don't belong in any military they should stay home and find other careers again the military is no place for a woman.

He's trying to help, although that might not be the best way

better get used to it now I go to Marine boot camp in December

Er.. Try: training will be most effective if the contrast between home and boot camp is the biggest. ?? Maybe he buys it, which will make for a great and loving four months until you leave? ( train up in advance, go in very fit!)

But thank you for fighting for our country

#28! Marines don't have a gender, because Uncle Sam didn't issue them one! ;)