By Anonymous - 30/03/2018 04:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I experienced the old joke about recognising women by their shoes sticking out of the driver and passenger windows. It was my mother's shoes in my mother's car, but the guy happily plowing her on top of the hand-brake was not my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 600
You deserved it 315

Top comments

DraftHail614 17

The idea of commitment is just gone at this point. Let your dad know. He doesn't deserve that kind of bs.

Plowed on top of the hand-brake? She’s gonna be sore tomorrow, and not just in the fun muffin!


DraftHail614 17

The idea of commitment is just gone at this point. Let your dad know. He doesn't deserve that kind of bs.

Lol dude it could be an open marriage. Dad could totally be aware lol. Time to stop being a child and understand that relationships have many different dynamics. Not everyone is in a monogamous marriage.

DraftHail614 17

Ah yes. Finding an excuse to sleep around are we? Bud, it isn't childish to think that most relationships are like that. Also, you'd think that that'd be something to mention to OP. Want to have multiple partners? Cool. I mean polyamory is just a label to use so you have an excuse to have multiple partners without being called a hoe. But yes. I'm most definitely the child.

Plowed on top of the hand-brake? She’s gonna be sore tomorrow, and not just in the fun muffin!

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Were they at least wearing a seatbelt? Got to be safe no matter what activity you do in your vehicle.

Donut_Wizard 23
Lobby_Bee 17

His penis must be really small and needed to use the handbrake as a "toy".

Maybe she was just helping out with making one of those Fake Taxi videos.

Lol. Maybe they have an open marriage and didn’t tell you. Lmmfao. Go Mom!!!!!! Haaaaaaaaaa