By Anonymous - 16/06/2009 11:10 - United States

Today, I facebooked my friends about my upcoming birthday party, and told them to keep the date free. I got several responses telling me that's not possible, because that's the day the new Harry Potter movie comes out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 152
You deserved it 30 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caffieneminx 0

I would honestly have to agree. Opening night of Harry Potter matches no other.

pshh who wouldn't go watch Harry Potter instead *light bulb goes on in head* maybe you can have your birthday party at the movie theater!


dont ever EVER **** with harry potter he wins. period

HAHAHAHA. i'm laughing, because that sounds like something my friends might do. i doubt they actually would, but i wouldn't put it past them. maybe try scheduling your party for another day? if your friends are that hardcore with HP, you should have known...XD sorry about that though

LOL wow my bday is on that day too. but i'm going to be at camp... :(

lol. Harry Potter forever! Just make a party out of it1 Tell them that they'll all go to Harry Potter together, then go back to your place.

FYL. I like Harry Potter, but I wouldn't see it on the opening night unless I got a free ticket. The theaters are horrible when they're stuffed full of rabid fans, and you'd never get a good seat anyway. It'll be out in theaters for a good few months (and then you can see it in the cheap seats during the next year), in which time it's a lot more enjoyable to see than in the first few weeks. I didn't even know when the movie comes out. I agree with #159 - It's sad to see how many crazed Harry Potter fans there are on FML... By the way, if you like Harry Potter, go see the movie with them. If not, then I would suggest you start looking for new friends before they pull a stunt worse than this in the name of Twilight...

I'd rather go to the movie than some of my friend's birthday because they'd understand and go with me.

5678910iloveyou 0

YDI for not understanding how incredibly awesome Harry Potter is.

there are people who have been counting down to the Harry Potter movie for a few years-unless you want zero attendance at your party, move it to a different weekend. Join your friends for the movie and have a good time!

stephanielolz 0

i mean... i'm going to the premier of harry potter and it would take A LOT to change my mind ha.

Sounds like someone needs some new friends who don't happen to be complete geeks. Unless of course you're into Harry Potter as well in which case why not go watch it for your b-day?