By sociallyawkward - 26/03/2014 18:06 - United Kingdom - Egham

Today, I faced my social anxiety and went to a chip shop on my own. I tried to have a conversation with the owner, but his thick accent made it difficult. He now knows where I live, what college I go to, and I'm pretty sure I agreed to go to India with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 430
You deserved it 8 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since you're now friends, get him to give you free chips


I have social anxiety too. You're fine I'm sure the owner is friendly and you've just made a friend. Good job facing your fears.

What's a chip shop? I'm from the US and never heard of this.

in England, fries are called chips :) Therefore it's a shop where you get fries from and usually fish :p