By sociallyawkward - 26/03/2014 18:06 - United Kingdom - Egham

Today, I faced my social anxiety and went to a chip shop on my own. I tried to have a conversation with the owner, but his thick accent made it difficult. He now knows where I live, what college I go to, and I'm pretty sure I agreed to go to India with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 430
You deserved it 8 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since you're now friends, get him to give you free chips


itd be truly awesome if the aforementioned thick accent was Scottish

Sounds like it went well to me. Congratulations OP!

blueboy154 12

Never agree to something when your unsure about it... and stick to topics like pets or something next time.

That actually sounds like it was probably a successful interaction! And now you might get extras or discounts at the chip shop every now and again when your new friend's feeling generous, which can't be a bad thing. Though maybe next time don't reveal quite so much personal info on a first meeting... Social anxiety can be really hard to deal with... kudos to you for working to combat yours, OP :)

I say it went well. Good for you for getting out of your comfort zone. Keep it up. Social anxiety is difficult to deal with. Maybe just don't tell folks where you live in the first conversation next time. Otherwise sounds like you may have made a friend.

wtf is a chip shop? I'm guessing this didn't take place in the us?

At least you accomplished something. A lot of people with social anxiety wouldn't have done what you did. Next time just talk to someone you can actually understand!! Good luck. :)

juan3611 14

You made friends that quick o.O I have social anxiety and I fail to make any in a 2 week period lol