By lol - 05/12/2011 06:13 - United States

Today, I farted in front of my husband for the first time in 26 years. He told our kids over email, and now they won't shut up about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 523
You deserved it 9 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AsianCookie247 14

You Are just now farting in front of him? ...

sariannacanna 6

How did you survive for 26 years and never farting in front of him?!? Thats some extreme control *claps and nods* lol


desireev 17

Omg!! Dammit people!!!!! EVERYONE FARTS AND *****!!! It's just rude and not something to be "showing off"!! My fiancé knows that I fart and shit! I just don't do it in front of him! It's rude and gross! There's a difference between a "female" and a "lady"!! A "lady" would not walk around farting and announcing that she's gonna "take a shit"!! Grow up people!!

mule570 3

Wow. my girlfriend farts in front of me and i fart in front of her and we only been dating for 2 and a half years. u need to be made fun of for that after waiting 26 years of marriage. girls need to understand that everyone farts so just do it

I'm pretty surprised you remember exactly when you did it last

raraisbang 12

Lol I'm not even married to my man and he's heard me fart. Though, we've got a baby... Pregnancy wreaks havoc on the body. Especially has wise ;-)

You've held in multiple farts in your own house for 26 years? You. Are. A. Legend. I know many girls couldn't do that! Good job for the first 26 years though. Fart whenever he brings it up, make sure you eat beans

You've kept track of how many years it's been since you last farted in front of your husband...? Lol

29,500th PERSON TO VOTE!! That make my day!! :D

26 years?! Why haven't you before? It's perfectly acceptable in your own household.