By lol - 05/12/2011 06:13 - United States

Today, I farted in front of my husband for the first time in 26 years. He told our kids over email, and now they won't shut up about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 523
You deserved it 9 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AsianCookie247 14

You Are just now farting in front of him? ...

sariannacanna 6

How did you survive for 26 years and never farting in front of him?!? Thats some extreme control *claps and nods* lol


You keep track of every time you fart? O.o

Hahaha that's funny I have to say though it's not that embarrassing everybody farts

Who cares? It is just a fart, everyone does it. Quit being such a little kid about it.

princess151617 4

26 yrs and it's the first time u have farted infront of him ?

XxAqwa13xX 6

Are you ******* kidding me?? you can't go 26 years without farting are you serious? She went 26 without farting IN FRONT of her

DaMan25 4
PureBreh707 0
nflevy 0

Could've been worse, ... U could have sharted

i call bullshit on this. first time in 26 years my ass. no pun intended

u count how many years u haven't farted