By meet Chloe - 19/02/2012 09:15 - Australia

Today, I felt sorry for the weird chick at work that everybody avoids and decided to initiate a conversation with her. She interrupted me mid-sentence to tell me about her vaginal odor problems, before shoving her hand into my chip packet and inviting herself to dinner at my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 012
You deserved it 8 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your not a dick! Even though now she probably won't leave you alone forever.

At least she didn't stick her hand down your pants.


ArsenalFan12 0

I was the weird chick that everyone avoided at work, not bc of those reasons, but bc I was the youngest in the drama crew. At least OP was being kind, although I do have problems with someone taking my food without asking first.

MickGold 8

Dude, what did you do to get all the haters on here?

Corrected grammar in a humorous manner. -shrug-

MickGold 8

Well, haters will hate. It's their problem that they can't handle the truth, even when it's put humorously. Their loss, not yours:)

GoW_Chick 14

Plug your nose, hide your chips, and lock your doors, because bitches be crazy!

perdix 29

I think the OP needs to suck up the loss and donate the rest of that bag of chips to Stinky Pussy.

Was anybody else reminded of the "Bed Intruder" song?

btnhdude 0

58- I was reminded of Sam B's song in Dead Island.

Roy Mustang's transmutation circle from the Anime series "Fullmetal Alchemist". I just picked something a little random, didn't want to be going around with the default picture.

Gotcha. I like anime, but dont care for fma (can totally tell this will be burried) but death note and some other ones are freakin amazing

I think you don't have to worry about getting buried, after a day nobody really makes it pass the first page of comments, so this small talk we're having is probably gonna go unseen. I used to watch Death Note a few years back on YouTube but I made the mistake of reading the comments and read spoilers so I was pretty much turned away from it.

Aww there's gotta be something mentally wrong with her, I don't think anyone could be all there mentally and still act like that...I just want to know how dinner went

koolkat27 13

no shit theres something wrong with her.

1JDub 6

So whats on the menu for your date....a lil fish and chips?

Fish and chips and vinegar . . . vinegar pepper, pepper, pepper, salt!

Hmm... Maybe that's the reason people don't talk to her?

TunechiXXL 0

What you should do is tell her to quit hoggin all the damn dip for your chips and shove your hand in her pants....... Sour cream and onion?

Brings a whole new meaning to fish and chips- Edit: Shit 20 beat me to it haha

Words from a nice person: NICE PEOPLE ALWAYS GET SCREWED.

Not always, but a majority of the time, yes.

GoW_Chick 14

Well then why are you complaining if you're always getting screwed? *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*