By meet Chloe - 19/02/2012 09:15 - Australia

Today, I felt sorry for the weird chick at work that everybody avoids and decided to initiate a conversation with her. She interrupted me mid-sentence to tell me about her vaginal odor problems, before shoving her hand into my chip packet and inviting herself to dinner at my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 012
You deserved it 8 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your not a dick! Even though now she probably won't leave you alone forever.

At least she didn't stick her hand down your pants.


That really sucks. But you deserved this ONLY if you let her come over for dinner. If you didn't then FLY.

HunterAlpha1 8

yeah, sometimes there's a sometimes a reason certain people are avoided.

Too many of these are sounding horribly fake.

155 - your dp will haunt my dreams from now on. ):

Oh natural selection, where art thou!?

Ha, thats what you get for bein nice!! Jk lol


Theirs bread baking, smells like sourdough...

Miaoudeminou 7

Usually there's a reason why people avoid them. Then there are jobs were the person does their own thing 'cause the job is just full of "that" type of people. This instance is the former of the two. I work at the latter where people don't bathe and tend to be functioning alcoholics.

It looks like you've found yourself a new friend. I just hope the conversations get better.