By supertango500 - 11/03/2013 18:56 - United States

Today, I figured I needed to clean my room. I ended up finding my $135 calculator that I'd accused my ex-boyfriend of selling for gas money. That's also the reason I dumped him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 082
You deserved it 76 292

Same thing different taste


Good riddance, for him. I hope he finds someone he can trust. As for you OP, you should be ashamed of yourself. Apologize, get your room clean, and get your head out of your arse.

Goumbush 4

Looks like you **lowers sunglasses** miscalculated your ex boyfriend....

Phone rings Hi it’s me... You know that little misunderstanding we had over that calculator. Well I've just found it. Do you want to get back together?

AliceLockehart 18

$135 for a calculator?! If I paid that much, I'd expect it to do my dishes & shit too. Also you deserve it, that's what you get for not having a woman's look. Asshole.

Scientific graphing calculator. I take it you're too you'd to even be in a maths class that uses those

High cyber five for engineering Daminantion! A woman's look seems to be exactly what she has Alice THAHA!

I'm really curious the time frame between OP breaking up with him and cleaning her room. God help us, I hope we're not talking months.

I can never understand why fmls like this are posted. You cant seriously be expecting much sympathy for that can you?

Hmm Some relationship you got there, if you can't trust your bf then there isn't a relationship left.. He got lucky.. You didn't deserve him

Why would you break-up with your boyfriend for stealing your calculator for gas money? A nice friend would either offer him a ride or give him some money for gas to help him out. There seems to be a lot more to the story than what meets the eye.

pwnman 33

OP, did you even think this is a valid accusation/assumption?