By Samsonites - 28/03/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, I finally decided to tell him I love him. He told me that he loved me too... like a sister. The love of my life has been sleeping with his "sister" for three months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 072
You deserved it 5 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments


strs2filmidreams 0

its okay..... i've been in that boat before too.. only it was about a year and a half when he told me he loved me like a sister..

Zerenade 0

....not an FML? Unless you're really his sister. Then that's just awkward.

If it was me it'd definitely be an FML. :( I've told my best friend that I love him as a brother and he's said he loves me like a sister but we both kno that's all it is and like it that way. However, I haven't said it to my boyfriend yet because I'm not really ready for the commitment because I love you and I love you like a sister/brother have two very different meanings and so I can see why OP would FML this because I would too :( poor OP maybe he just wasn't thinking about the two of you the same way you were. talk to him and maybe he'll realize his mistake and maybe even realize that he may love you as more than a sister after all :) good luck <3

It's been said before, but it's what you get for doing someone before you even told them you love them.

that's why you say "i love you" before you do the dirty ;)

BamxBitch 0

I agree with #21. Love and sex basically have nothing to do with each other anymore, except for the fact that people in love like sex too.

i hope you pointed that out to him and he went home feeling disgusted with himself. that's gross.

Welcome to high school boys and girls. Pro-tip for all you crazy hormonal kids out there: You do not need to find your soulmate in high school, nor should you expect a relationship to be taken seriously for another 5 years. I know there will be a backlash of idiots saying "IT DON'T SAY TEH OP IS IN HIGH SKOOL" So I'll just say now, can you read this and seriously not think so?

ifailplzinsultme 0

Yes I can. You usually don't sleep with someone repeatedly in highschool. I'm guessing OP is in her 20s.

sexxxy_lexxxy 0

he just wants ass, and you're such a ***** that you'll give him it. he didn't want commitment, and that's why he said he saw you as a sister. he doesn't. he sees as a booty call. as a ****. what are you, three? how could you not put this together? moron.