By Samsonites - 28/03/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, I finally decided to tell him I love him. He told me that he loved me too... like a sister. The love of my life has been sleeping with his "sister" for three months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 059
You deserved it 5 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments


you know what they say... incest is wincest

i agree with #61 - maybe that's what happens in our brains, but i've already had sex just for fun and i remember CLEARLY that i did not want to have children with the guy. i just wanted sex, that's all. so don't generalize.

mrainec 0

maybe he meant to say that he loves you a lot. Sometimes people goof up their words!

If I have to spend the rest of my life with a guy, I would much rather have that relationship based on friendship than on romantic feelings. Romance passes but friendship lasts. Of course sex would/could be part of the deal. I would not be offended if a guy told me he loves me like his sister. Unless of course he hates his sister or does mean to say that he doesn't want sex. But I don't think it's bad per se.

This is dumb. He probably just ment that he loves you a lot, as much as a family member. you're just really stupid to make the jump to incest, unless there is something else you're not telling us, like you caught him banging his sister or something. in some cultures, saying something like that would be considered a huge compliment and would mean he was very serious about you.

His "sister" with benefits? Haha. Wow. That just sucks tho. I think you should've explained to him that your feelings run deeper than just simply being friends or sex buddies.

my ex told me the same thing, lol, then broke up with me, lol.

that is sick and twisted. Good luck to both of you. break up. that is wrong. he is using you if he only loves you like a sister. why would you sleep with him.