By Samsonites - 28/03/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, I finally decided to tell him I love him. He told me that he loved me too... like a sister. The love of my life has been sleeping with his "sister" for three months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 072
You deserved it 5 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments


No_Words24 0

that's more of a messed up thing on his part.....not urs!! i mean u actually loved him, he loved u because u remind him of his sister.... and if that's the way he treated his sister, than he's just....CREEPY!!

It's still horrible to sleep with a boyfriend you don't love. If you just want sex and don't want the commitment of soul connection and self discovery (which every non sex buddy relationship should strive for) then make that clear. If you did then changed your mind, then that's okay too. I just hope you were prepared to be burned. My old flame did the same thing to me because he was trying to place some sort of psychological disorder on *me*- not him. Hope this helps for the future.

MukyDaCookie 0

#52 - Owned. You just penis whipped everyone with your words. (Not trying to say your a male) I bow down.

Um....3 months?!? You probably just freaked him out by saying you loved him after such a short time being together. I know many guys (and girls) who would get a little bit weirded out by that. Saying you love someone implies a certain level of commitment to that person, which he may not be ready for right now.

strawberryswirl 0

#52 - Why is it that people who want to "liberate" women try to generalize about the entire gender? Yes, that is what happens on a chemical level in our brains but that doesn't mean we all react the in same way. Why don't you speak for yourself and I'll worry about speaking for me.

Aish_fml 0
sunshyne84_fml 0

sex doesn't equal love hun, once u realize that the better off u will be 3 months is hardly enough time to fall in love either

Ugh. Is anyone else tired of these posts obviously made by a 15-year-old who can barely type a cohesive sentence? This is a terrible FML. No one cares about the facade of a love life by someone barely older than a fetus.