By ouch - 12/12/2009 20:36 - United States

Today, I finally finished vacuuming my downstairs. Instead of finding the wall outlet and unplugging the vacuum, I triumphantly tugged the cord from across the room to release the plug from the wall. It flew at me at top speed and hit me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 943
You deserved it 41 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

welderchick87 0

You shouldn't have needed to 'find' the outlet. It stayed right where it was when you plugged in the vacuum. They don't just grow legs and walk away to a different wall.

Br0wnPr1d3 0

hahahaha!! I totally like saw that with cartoons in my head :P


I've done that before. don't feel stupid.

G_thelegend 0

Great idea......... Hope it didn't leave a mark :/

silverphoenix 0

when will ppl learn, that's what happens when u try to b cool...

atomicbaboon 0

I knew females shaved down there, but I was completely unaware that they vacuumed as well.

brunettegurly 0

haha aww I've done that to myself too!

how do u know it was going top speed??

yeah, you deserved it for being so stupid.