By ouch - 12/12/2009 20:36 - United States

Today, I finally finished vacuuming my downstairs. Instead of finding the wall outlet and unplugging the vacuum, I triumphantly tugged the cord from across the room to release the plug from the wall. It flew at me at top speed and hit me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 943
You deserved it 41 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

welderchick87 0

You shouldn't have needed to 'find' the outlet. It stayed right where it was when you plugged in the vacuum. They don't just grow legs and walk away to a different wall.

Br0wnPr1d3 0

hahahaha!! I totally like saw that with cartoons in my head :P


That's why you don't yank it out like that, dumbass. YDI, a lot.

method_men25 2

Physics 1, You 0 Double or nothing?

Dont worry that has happened to me then I have to go to school and explain why I have a huge cut on my face. everyone looks at me and calls me an idiot. Now my mom doesn't make me vacuum

immastarr 0

this made me laugh for like 3 minutes

AmazeMe 0

I swear the same thing happened to me when I was in my my teens. But I was pissed at my mom for making me vacuum, the cord hit me in the eye. Goes to show anger doesn't get you anywhere LOL

Lol, same thing happened to me last week, except I ducked. Either pay attention to the specific "No yanking" warning or be smart enough to duck when the plug comes flying at your face. YDI

Trevv 0

I did that, except with the plug hitting my nuts instead of my face...

RingoStarrr 0

whats up with all the "genuises" on telling op he cant defy the law of physics? Go play some chess. ;D