By richkief76 - 10/05/2011 02:34

Today, I finally found where the awful lingering stench in my house was coming from. My son thought it would be funny to piss in the baby's humidifier. He's 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 988
You deserved it 8 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments


He's probably bored since PSN is still down :P

What’s up with these people that pissing and ******** all over the place? Every day there is an FML about people who don’t know what a toilet, or bathroom, or shitroom or whatever you want to call it is about. Few days ago someone even pissed on a roller coaster.


PSQ91 6

Hard to believe he'd be so immature being 16 years old.

Your son is seriously an idiot. An 8 year old would know not to do that.

SteelCladAngel 0

a five year old should know not to so that lol

Is your baby okay? I'm not sure, as I've never owned one, but I feel that urine in a humidifier would cause some health problems for someone with a still developing immunity system...

those are some fancy words you be sayin' boy.

slimjim8094 12

Urine is sterile, unless you have bigger problems

CSRozell 4

lmao this is better than the fml I've never Owned one

deathtrap 0

urine is only sterile while it is in the bladder. it is no longer sterile after it's been released into a humidifier and then dispersed nip the air.......

ahh idiots only your own urine is sterile to yourself!!

RainbowHeadache 2

Hit him with a rolled up newspaper & rub his nose in it.

Time to . . . Beat on the brat, beat on the brat, beat on the brat with a baseball bat, oh yeah . . .

I love you. Well, not really, but I do love your reference there.

perez758 2

That's ass whippin right there.

Sounds like your son is seriously lacking some boundaries.