By richkief76 - 10/05/2011 02:34

Today, I finally found where the awful lingering stench in my house was coming from. My son thought it would be funny to piss in the baby's humidifier. He's 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 988
You deserved it 8 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments


He's probably bored since PSN is still down :P

What’s up with these people that pissing and ******** all over the place? Every day there is an FML about people who don’t know what a toilet, or bathroom, or shitroom or whatever you want to call it is about. Few days ago someone even pissed on a roller coaster.


skyeyez9 24

That sounds dangerous. A baby breathing that filth could get a lung infection inhaling that. Their immune systems are still developing and more vulnerable.

Mikababyyyy 0

what an a** hole your son is

not to say your 16 y/o isn't completely immature and shouldn't be punished (he is and he should), but if he was an only child up until this point, I can see where he's coming from. babies are incredibly irritating and worthless to someone who wasn't exposed to them much as kids, and I know I would have freaked out if my parents had any more kids when I was a teenager. can you afford to send him to boarding school for the next couple of years or have him stay with baby-free relatives? it'd probably be best for him, you, and the baby...he might be too old to be a good older brother.

monnanon 13

Just because only two are mentioned doesn't mean there aren't other kids also, being jealous of a baby is kind of acceptable for a toddler but at 16 yearshe should know better. Don't pander to the jealous asshat of a son tell him to deal with it, its a baby that the parents look after, the older sibling doesn't have to have anything to do with the baby really.

Being jealous of a baby is immature behavior in a sixteen year old, but it's probably not about jealousy. I imagine this kid is being woken up in the middle of the night by the baby's crying, and basically all teenagers are already sleep deprived from having to wake up too early in the morning for school when their internal clocks are set to sleeping in. And there are all the other distracting things babies can do when one's trying to concentrate on homework. There are plenty of reasons for a teenager to resent having a baby brought into the house that don't have anything to do with jealousy. I am very glad my parents didn't have a baby when I was a teenager because that would have been awful.

BAMF519 0

lol sound like all my friends!

and then you pissed in his bowl of cheerios right?

apegirl907 0

wtf is wrong with your kid? you need to teach him better I'd make him work off the price of a new humidifier!

Daisie_Garcia 0