By boreed - 27/12/2010 05:37 - United States

Today, I finally got an unsightly mole on my face removed. While I was shaving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 024
You deserved it 4 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

milakitty21 0

look at it this way... you saved a few $100s. I'd call it a win. ;)

Seriously, go to the doc's because 1/ could be cancerous 2/ removing moles like that disrupts cells and could lead to cancer 3/ disfiguration reasons. Just a suggestion.


thebignixie 0

look at the brightside, you no longer have a mole.

my fusion pro "glides" right over my mole... and whatever zits I may have, not touching them at all. it actually shaves the moles hairs though.

Ahmigawd! That sounds like a horrible way to remove a mole. My brain is in pain thinking about it.

emodude44 0

*puts on Kurt Cobain shades* **** yeah son.

Ardn 0

It's like Amateur Surgeon! Anyway... if it was so unsightly then I'm sure you must be glad to be rid of it. A little pain may well be worth it :o)

I chop my balls of and die every day at work. Do you hear me complaining about my predicament? I think not.

Using a razor to remove a mole is barbaric. You should have come to me to have it removed with a rusty spoon.

just curious to know, is this person a real doctor?

No? Melissamoshh, how do you know this?

therealsuperman 0

doc, I don't know if it was a purposeful pun, but I found "using a razor is BARBERic" hilarious

Woah there, Salad Fingers, rusty spoons aren't for moles xD