By badtasteinmen - 15/10/2015 18:19 - United States - Beaverton

Today, I finally got the courage to leave my controlling and manipulative ex. He took it well. And by "took it well", I mean he camped out my doorstep, held some of my belongings hostage, and tried to blackmail me into staying with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 416
You deserved it 1 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to buy an M9......or maybe just get a restraining order or something....


cr500guy 11

Psyco. Do NOT go back. Get a restraining order. Don't look back.

If that's taking it well I can't imagine what other types of twisted shit that person is capable of

get a restraining order and do it quickly.

We're all familiar with the term stage 5 clinger but damn, this is more like stage 7 clinger. If he doesn't leave you alone get a restraining order OP

Your name picked a real winner...but if you don't promise you can always back out which will make things probably worse

Please, OP, whatever you do DON'T go back with him. I lost one of my best friend's because she refused to cut ties, or do anything really, with her psycho boyfriend. Like others said, the cops can take him away really quickly.

Was there something holding you back from calling the police after he camped out on your doorstep?