By Asterisk1009 - 29/06/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to tell my parents that I'm gay. My mom said "Yeah, we know." When I asked how they knew, my dad, without looking up from the tv, said, "We've been monitoring your Internet history." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 659
You deserved it 17 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Major invasion of your privacy, sure. But at least they didn't freak out and were totally fine about it. Plus, they waited until you were ready to tell them rather than confront you when they figured it out through snooping...gotta give them credit for that!


YDI because you didnt' delte your history. And this isn't much of an FMl because your parents understood you and didn't seem to care that much. My parents pretty much hate my guts and told me my boyfriends are never allowed over for anything and since im only 17 i can't see any boyfriend until i can move, my dad wont pay for my college because i could die from some std before im thirty so he claims it as a waste of money even though straight people can get stds too soo what the hell ever out, now that is an FML.

birds_fml 7

You should tell them you realized that being gay was just a phase, and you've grown out of it. You can even pretend to "date" girls, so that they'll pay for your college. There's no reason for a young person to put themselves through that crap because they have bigoted parents. Go to school, make a show of being straight with some understanding girl, and then once you're done with college you can tell them you really are gay, and there's nothing they can do about it.

I really don't see how this is that big of an FML. Did your parents disown you or anything? Because unless they threw the computer at you afterwards in a fit of rage, it sounds like you had a pretty decent coming out experience. When I came out to my mom, I got burnt by an iron.


Thats so true. Hopefully; they still love him and everything. But Im pretty sure the FML was being embarrassed by it; ya know?

tht sucks ur a gay guy living in Texas..ouch..move to massachusetts or sumthin lol

i say you start browsing sites like, "how to butcher a pig" or "how to hide blood stains" freak them out a bit.

Nickk9564 0

Im gay too and the same thing happened to me lol

You gotta have a backup browser you never use! Duhh. :p Delete your browsing history, they won't know. ;)

wow that sucks. how did they see your Internet history? do they use the same computer as you?

myname150 0

lmao. id like to see my parents even try to log in. theres only two accounts admin and my account. both have passwords created by a password generator, mixed letters and numbers :)