By Anonymous - 29/10/2013 10:40 - Australia

Today, I finally got to surprise my boyfriend with a birthday cake. I spent four days planning the perfect one. First thing he says? "Erm, you know I'm 32, right?" I got his age wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 929
You deserved it 36 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you think that's one of the first things you want to know about someone

It's all good OP, at least you remembered his Birthday.


Well OP if you didn't know his age you do now.

If what you put was younger than what he is it could be a compliment

you couldn't be more correct! just follow the guy code of remembering your girl's birthday!

I am software developer and know exactly how you feel.

I hope you weren't to far off if so that makes it worse

I don't know, I read it as her still in the mindset that her boyfriend was 31, so she put that instead of 32. Then again, we don't have adequate information to judge what age she thought he was turning. Just don't be a carny at the fair that guesses a customer's age for prizes, and you'll be fine, OP.

It doesn't make her a bad girlfriend, my fiancé often forgets his own age and I have to remind him he's older (or younger) than he thinks! Maybe should've double checked before spending that long on a cake with it written on, though.

Depending on how far off you are, it's not a huge deal. Especially if you put 31, not thinking about the fact that his birthday implies he is another year older :)