By Anonymous - 29/10/2013 10:40 - Australia

Today, I finally got to surprise my boyfriend with a birthday cake. I spent four days planning the perfect one. First thing he says? "Erm, you know I'm 32, right?" I got his age wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 929
You deserved it 36 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you think that's one of the first things you want to know about someone

It's all good OP, at least you remembered his Birthday.


That is just terrible lmao, maybe next year

You'll get it next time...don't worry about it at least you remembered the day...that's half the battle...

how do you not know your boyfriend's age?

pinknblack 4

Don't feel bad. When my mom turned 29 EVERYONE, the whole family, thought she was 30. Including me, and my dad.

If your mum was 29, I'm guessing you were pretty young yourself so most parents wouldn't expect you to remember that sort of thing! Either way though, it happens. Hope your mum wasn't too pissed at you and your dad!

you took 4 days too plan it without being sure of his age?

SuperMew 22

I always save myself the embarrassment and write "Happy Birthday" on the cake instead of a number. We found R2D2 candles for my boyfriend's cake. I know his age, because we were born a week apart. However, with other people I sometimes forget and it solves the problem by not being too specific.