By Anonymous - 29/10/2013 10:40 - Australia

Today, I finally got to surprise my boyfriend with a birthday cake. I spent four days planning the perfect one. First thing he says? "Erm, you know I'm 32, right?" I got his age wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 929
You deserved it 36 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you think that's one of the first things you want to know about someone

It's all good OP, at least you remembered his Birthday.


I once made a birthday cake for a newish friend and stencilled "Rachael" onto the icing with powdered chocolate. When friends arrived with the card it was titled "To Rachel". So I did some rapid surgery on the cake, removing the 'a' and shifting the letters together. I presented it to her saying "I had a bit of difficulty with the spelling", to which she replied "That's OK - a lot of people leave out the 'a', but I don't mind."

YDI. You should know how old your boyfriend is