By Anonymous - 15/01/2016 16:01 - United States - Worcester

Today, I finally had sex after a year-long dry spell. It caused an ovarian cyst to rupture and ended up with me in the ER. I'm afraid to ever have sex again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 587
You deserved it 2 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, must have been some great sex before that happened.

friedpwnadge 25


As a woman with PCOS, I just cringed.

Damn. I'm a dude and cringed at the pain

DARKxShaddow_69 12

sounds like an episode of Sex Sent Me to the E.R.....

OUCH ! That actually happened to me recently too and I had to get stitches because it made a huge gash in my wall lining, so I feel your pain ! Hope you feel better soon !

I didnt know i had one til i had a contrast ct. Then it exploded. It doesnt feel good. Just realize it wasnt the sex that caused it, when you ovulate, thats when they burst. At least the most common type.

uchihadesendent 14

Sorry to hear that OP feel better!

Don't be scared this is a rare occurrence but hopefully it's fixed now and you'll be okay. Take care.

Sex doesn't cause ovarian cysts to rupture, they do that by themselves spontaneously