By tequilashot - 20/09/2016 04:40 - Brazil - Porto Alegre

Today, I finally had sex with the man with whom I've been in love for months. Too bad I was too drunk to remember a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 626
You deserved it 4 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I want to stay positive, but my fear is that you were doomed from the start, OP. If he was only able to have sex with you while you were drunk, that speaks wonders about the both of you. Either way, I truly wish you the best of luck and hope that you are able to pursue a relationship with this guy.

You just have to get back up on that horse ^^


ayyy_bro 26

Why would you get that drunk anyways...?

Just how do you get THAT drunk? And no, I don't want to find out for myself.

By consuming a large amount of alcohol. It affects people in different ways.

No. You have nowhere near the information needed to make that kind of determination. Alcohol can cause memory loss without the person needing to be blackout drunk. I know people who have been singing and dancing with me, found their own way home and then tell me the next morning that they have no recollection of what happened from several hours earlier in the night onwards. Anyone in that state was definitely capable of giving consent. That is not the same as getting drunk, passing out and then having someone do something to you. Anyone who claims memory loss = rape is the kind of poisonous ******* who gets innocent people sent to jail.

People are so super sensitive anymore it's sickening. You have no infor.ation to coralte that answer. Nor do you know if or how intoxicated the guy was. So stop trying to ruin another innocent person's life to help your sick ego.

You should only have sex after you're married, it's best not to get drunk either

Seriously, sex is only for after marriage? I got the order all wrong, damn. Some one ask superman to fly back in time and save my precious virginity. I'm already drowning my sorrow in wine.

I... Really hope he was just as drunk, if only because it makes this marginally less worrisome. But even if he was, it lights up some warning signals about the kind of relationship the two of you might have, even if this doesn't wreck it. I'd try to get some answers about the night, OP. From multiple people if possible, including the guy.

No. Don't make this into a rape excuse, we all know that's not what happened. Even if the guy wasnt drunk, the woman gave consent, whether she was drunk or not, They are adults and adults make choises that can have consequences. As for the relation ship thing you metioned, she sayed that she was the one who wanted this, and its a long term relationship as well, not a 1 night stand.

She was too drunk to give consent. Don't be ignorant of consent.

You should assume that the sex was fantastic! Of course, you know what they say happens when you assume...

At least it wasn't sex with a guy you never met before AND don't remember. That's a plus, right?

How is this not a ydi? You chose to get drunk, and drunk way beyond your limit. I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for people that get so plastered that they don't know what they're doing anymore, and wake up not remembering what they've done. That's so dangerous to be that intoxicated; both medically (you could've passed out, choked on your own vomit etc.) and also physically because you have no idea what you're doing (could've gotten behind the wheel of a car) or what anyone else could be doing to you (sexually assaulted or anything else). I suggest you drink more responsibly in the future, or stop all together if you don't know your limit. There's a reason people say to drink responsibly and know your limit. For your sake I hope this was the first time anything like this has ever happened and you didn't know what your limit was, that way you can ensure it won't happen again and you won't be in danger or a danger to others. Just be glad that consensual (at least we hope it was) sex with someone you love is all that happened, because it could've been so much worse.

andrmac 25

May have been oh I like him and then drank for the nerves and then tried to keep up after and clearly that didn't end well.