By hunterjumper1212 - 24/05/2012 07:41 - United States - San Rafael

Today, I finally told my roommate, who doesn't pay rent, to go get a job. He left, came back, and immediately went to my refrigerator to eat. I asked him about his job and what his pay is. Apparently, putting together a bike for a kid is a job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 283
You deserved it 2 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you already know his weakness is the refrigerator. dont go grocery shopping and just get.a days worth of food each time you go out. thatll force him to get a real job.


Lock the fridge, cabinets, Password the computers, lock everything then see how fast he gets a job. Or if you're lucky he'll go freeload of someone else. Don't let this bum walk all over you!

All of the people thumbing down the "kick him out" posts must be freeloading wastes of space themselves. A roommate's responsibility is to have a job to help make rent cheaper for everyone. He did not take the OP's request seriously, wasted food, did not hold up his responsibility and so deserves to be tossed out onto the street.

wow sounds like this roomate sucks. down with the fridge!

tony1891 22

sounds like it's time for a new roommate. someone with a bachelor's degree preferably

Kick the fool out! If you did not get your roommate to sign an agreement splitting the rent, you are the fool. Get that paper signed and when your roommate can't show he is paying anything - you can boot the lazy ass right out. Just like your landlord can boot you out if you don't pay. Laws vary by state, if your name is the only one on the lease you may be able to kick your roommate out now. If your name is not on the lease, move out and let whatever happens happen. If both your names are on the lease - still move out and let whatever happens happen.

wlddog 14

Your profile pick has made me hungry

You have every right to remove a roomate who doesn't pay rent. You aren't a bank

Just kick him out. Tell him to go pound salt.

estes816 9