By hunterjumper1212 - 24/05/2012 07:41 - United States - San Rafael

Today, I finally told my roommate, who doesn't pay rent, to go get a job. He left, came back, and immediately went to my refrigerator to eat. I asked him about his job and what his pay is. Apparently, putting together a bike for a kid is a job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 290
You deserved it 2 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you already know his weakness is the refrigerator. dont go grocery shopping and just get.a days worth of food each time you go out. thatll force him to get a real job.


perdix 29

Why is everyone being so harsh on the roommate? The man is clearly on a path to sainthood spreading joy and light wherever he walks. The OP should consider it a blessing to be able to support the worldly needs of such an inspirational figure. Most religions run this way.

Maybe he can offer you sexual favors instead.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

If they're not putting in on the bills then kick them out otherwise move out and make sure to have your name taken off the lease completely!

move out and forget to invite him to come with you

yeah, #70 it's not being uptight to expect someone do their part, I wouldn't want to pay rent for my roommate, unless they had a good reason not to.

1) Mystery flavor 2) Cream soda 3) Blue raspberry

You should of specified the type of job first! xD lol

Hell no. His ass would be out that door if he didnt have a job

So you kicked them out right? Considering they don't pay rent why tf are they living there still? They obv take you as a door mat if that was their only effort to find a job they know they can f around and you'll still pay rent.