By hunterjumper1212 - 24/05/2012 07:41 - United States - San Rafael

Today, I finally told my roommate, who doesn't pay rent, to go get a job. He left, came back, and immediately went to my refrigerator to eat. I asked him about his job and what his pay is. Apparently, putting together a bike for a kid is a job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 283
You deserved it 2 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you already know his weakness is the refrigerator. dont go grocery shopping and just get.a days worth of food each time you go out. thatll force him to get a real job.


Tell him to kick rocks. Does he do anything worth keeping him around for or is he blackmailing you or something?

I suggest an ultimatum in this situation. Either he gets a job and starts paying rent or you will throw all his stuff outside and change the locks.

If you work at a place that sell bikes a lot of them will have a cheaper range that you have to put together yourself and if you want for about $50 you can have the bike put together for you

hateevryone 14

His bum ass is too comfortable. He ain't gon get no job.

kick the roommate out, op can afford it alone. find a more stable and suitable roommate, and look after op's self first!

Uh oh, dumb dumb! It's Attila the Hun Hun! You better run run!

For a second I thought you guys were talking about me ):

perdix 29

#40, I'm with you. The Buttered Popcorn Dum-Dum is so bizarre it's great!