By Matt - 05/10/2011 10:49 - Australia

Today, I finished a website that I have been working on for ages for a friend. He tried to repay me by offering to teach me to play table tennis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 698
You deserved it 4 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Icejza_DaChilla 7

YDI for not setting terms before starting the project. How does it feel to be used?

aantho_fml 0

Getting table tennis advice from a pro is priceless...


FYLDeep 25

And now his website proudly displays his support of the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, and the Westboro Baptist Church.

You should have agreed on a payment before you made it for him...

perdix 29

Girls want guys with skillz. Table tennis is a skill. Your friend is helping you get girls mire effectively than dumb ol' money can. Well, maybe not as effective, but legal.

FMLephant 2

Accept, then beat him brutally with the racket while screaming "die Jew, die!"

Why the hell would you not ask about that before you made the website?

jsturaveragegirl 5

So that's what they're callin it these days! "table tennis" ;P

I have to say YDI. While it's common courtesy for your friend to pay you, if you didn't set a price before starting to work, it's kind of your fault...