By Matt - 05/10/2011 10:49 - Australia

Today, I finished a website that I have been working on for ages for a friend. He tried to repay me by offering to teach me to play table tennis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 698
You deserved it 4 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Icejza_DaChilla 7

YDI for not setting terms before starting the project. How does it feel to be used?

aantho_fml 0

Getting table tennis advice from a pro is priceless...


hannahcorrine 0

This reminds me if the Layers Gum commercials. Lol

mj_ok 9

That's bogus, make him give you money:D

NEVER do business with family or friends without being CERTAIN you're getting payed. I say take down his site if you don't get payed.

Late_night83 25

Tell your friend: Thanks for trapping me in your World Wide Web OF LIES

iPoopChickens 0

Atleast he's willing to teach you something, right? Maybe it's somethin he enjoys Doing and wants to share it with you?

jintin 0

Msg me I can make it in hours lol

scotchnacid 4

Say yes,n then beat him with a racquet lol :D

Well, just don't give him the website. Easy as that.