By Anonymous - 23/04/2014 02:46 - United States
Same thing different taste
Thanks, I guess…
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States
By A - 09/02/2012 06:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/04/2016 08:34 - United Kingdom - Bromsgrove
Bambi 2: Electric Boogaloo
By Anonymous - 16/11/2020 02:03
By Anonymous - 16/07/2024 08:00 - United Kingdom
By Completely Fed Up - 20/04/2016 18:55 - United States - Spokane
By Handyhusband - 26/10/2017 13:00 - United States
By Deconstructed - 19/05/2009 20:13 - United States
By dontfencemein - 22/07/2011 04:25 - United States
By Sapphirlinda - 03/07/2010 23:25 - Netherlands
Top comments
After maybe selling a few puppies you can make a bigger porch...or have someone else complete it
OP won't make much money on the puppies, even if they're quality, papered, and purebred. Responsible breeders take all the puppies to the vet to get shots (which wouldn't be cheap for a whole litter), and some even have the puppies fixed so that way they know irresponsible people can't just throw their dog in with another and mate them. My old boss is a dog breeder and she told me that you don't make any money in the business, in fact you basically lose money because I think you have to pay to register the babies too. If you want to make money, dog breeding isn't the field to go into! Lol.
Look at it as a blessing
While it sucks to have all your hard work go for nothing, you should have 1) spayed yo' bitch (the dog) and 2) made sure that there was no space for critters to crawl (I've heard of raccoons, squirrels and other animals getting into people's under-porch crawl spaces. So this is simultaneously FYL and YDI.
#53- Because millions of dogs and cats die in shelters every year because irresponsible owners who want to "experience the joy of life" allow their pets to mate with anything that moves and then the litter winds up, one way or another, at the shelter. And no, I'm not saying that this applies to OP.
Ha! You said "hard on"
Who needs a porch anyways. Puppies are better.
First world problem
What if...... Three days from now you decide to finish the porch once more. Your friends ask you to hang out for a bit and offer to give you a ride. You decline, because you have to continue on this porch. Later that night, your friends get into an accident and some of them die/get hurt. It's sounds lame, OP, but I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and this sound like it could have maybe saved you from something.
What on earth are you comparing a litter of puppies to a friend dying?

I would feel sorry for you but now you have puppies in your life so I can't.
Good thing you know how to build a great porch! Luckily you didn't have to pay to get it fixed!