By Anonymous - 02/05/2009 20:12 - United States

Today, I finished my SAT and was feeling pretty good about it. I decided to turn on my phone, since it was on silent. As the guy was collecting our tests, my phone vibrated a little. My score was cancelled. It was a text from my mom reminding me to turn off my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 394
You deserved it 88 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you ever, ever turn your phone on when still in the room? You deserve that twice.

you deserve that sooo much...they repeat over and over again DO NOT TURN YOUR PHONE ON UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE BUILDING, is it that hard to be away from your cell phone for two seconds in order to take one of the most important tests of your academic life??


You couldn't have waited 5 more minutes to turn on the phone? YDI definitely Oh and lol #11

@12, that would just give the moderator even less of an urge to investigate. you gotta know how to throw these people off!!

you deserved it, why risk the SATs!! and you were DONE! damn.

aendragenus 0

Why didn't they have the option to put your cell up at the front with the moderator? They have that for every test. Actually, it's not even an option, they tell you that you have to put it there. Then, even if it goes off, you're in the clear.

Shizza 0

You deserved that. If the moderator was a real bitch he/she could have easily canceled the scores of EVERYBODY in your testing area.

cartering 0

2, you didn't read this before you posted did you. She turned on her phone during the SATs - even if the phone hadn't vibrated, she deserved her score cancelled. If you can't follow basic rules you deserve the consequences for breaking them. They don't make the rules because they don't care whether or not you follow them, and by the way she phrased this its pretty clear she knew her score would be cancelled if it was found out that she turned on her phone. One must wonder if she was trying to find a way to get her score cancelled...that would certainly be more intelligent that her seriously thinking it was a good idea to turn on a phone during an expensive test that she wanted scored when she knew her score was important to her and knew that turning it on was against the rules and would get her test thrown out

dumbass YDI completely. even in the SAT book they tell you not to even bring your cell as a precaution...

crom_fml 0

I took the sats today. And i managed to not touch my cell phone the entire way through. I cant say how you would feel obligated to look at it. I did enjoy the irony of it. And i am sorry you have to take it again because after today i dont want to touch that test that made me want to fall asleep again.

That's why when I took my MCAT this morning, they required us to keep all phones, wallets, etc. in lockers that are just outside the testing room - only accessible during breaks. Sorry dude that sucks hard