By Anonymous - 02/05/2009 20:12 - United States

Today, I finished my SAT and was feeling pretty good about it. I decided to turn on my phone, since it was on silent. As the guy was collecting our tests, my phone vibrated a little. My score was cancelled. It was a text from my mom reminding me to turn off my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 394
You deserved it 88 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you ever, ever turn your phone on when still in the room? You deserve that twice.

you deserve that sooo much...they repeat over and over again DO NOT TURN YOUR PHONE ON UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE BUILDING, is it that hard to be away from your cell phone for two seconds in order to take one of the most important tests of your academic life??


y'know what? after the first two years of college no one is ever going to ask what you got on your SATs ever again. it'll be annoying to take 'em again but breeze through it if you like. you probably aren't-- judging by your smooth move here-- smart enough to go to a great college anyway. community college ain't so bad! the drugs are cheaper.

vt_mruhlin 0

I call BS. You got caught cheating and are somehow stupid enough to think that posting on the Internet will help solidify your argument.

You deserved that one, there's no two ways around it. Don't even think about doing it during an AP Exam or they'll cancel the scores for the entire testing room.

fretforyerlatte 0

damn kids and your damn cellular telephones! and your hula hoops and pac man video games... people are for real WAYYYY too obsessed with their cell phones. someone can't get ahold of you for another thirty seconds!!! OMFG! LIFE RUINED.

sadness. i can use my phone while i do my SAT10.

You deserve that. Probably the worst out of any of the FMLs I've seen. They say do not turn on your cellphone until you're out of the building. They mean it.

Deserved. It's a rather big and pointless risk. You can't blame your mother for trying to help you out.

"I decided to turn my phone on" With that phrase, you deserve it.

#49, atleast it wasnt i 'proceeded' to turn on my phone

You deserved that one. They tell you at least a 100 times to turn off your phone. Ohh well you can study more and take it again.