By dgilbs - 27/08/2012 14:50 - United States - Cheboygan

Today, I finished my shopping at Costco, and realized I had forgotten where I had parked. After scouring the parking lot for 20 minutes, I called the police and filed a report for a stolen vehicle. I then remembered I had bought a new car yesterday and parked it right next to the entrance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 025
You deserved it 37 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Strange. When I get a new car, I always park it so far in the back that no one would ever park near it.


captainburke 5

You just bought a car, that's mad exciting! And you forgot lol

KiddNYC1O 20

Lifestyle of the rich and the famous... They're always complaining... Always complaining!! Nah I'm kidding, just felt like saying that...

You obviously have the financial means to be able to buy a NEW car and forget, your life does not suck, if I bought a new car I would forget what I was at the store for....

You don't deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us

kiraleann 16

That was quite an overreaction.

mega20913 8

well at least it wasnt stolen for real

I would be so excited about a new car, I wouldn't forget about it!