By dgilbs - 27/08/2012 14:50 - United States - Cheboygan

Today, I finished my shopping at Costco, and realized I had forgotten where I had parked. After scouring the parking lot for 20 minutes, I called the police and filed a report for a stolen vehicle. I then remembered I had bought a new car yesterday and parked it right next to the entrance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 025
You deserved it 37 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Strange. When I get a new car, I always park it so far in the back that no one would ever park near it.


TheyCallMeDamien 17

cops love when you waste their time like that

How would you forget you bought a new car? That's not some casual minor news lol

We all have our off days. Anyone who claims otherwise is full of b.s..

Lol good thing it wasn't a multilevel parking lot then huh

josiemorehouse 12

OP, you're an idiot. I got my new car over 4 months ago, and not one time did I ever 'forget' about my new car. That's pure stupidity. Wow. Maybe you should take the new car back and get your old one, to save yourself from future confusion. Save the money up for some ginkgo or something.

So, you're saying that you have never been absent minded at all in your entire life?

I think he's saying he spends more on ginkgo than his car.

It must not have been your dream car or you wouldn't have forgotten so easily. With this economy I say you're like everyone else, buy something that just gets you from point A to point B.

OP, I would think as soon as you took out your keys you would immediately remember that you bought a new car. Oh, by the way, I sincerely hope nobody needed those officers for something serious. YDI

karen1991 15

Hey isn't the store costco in the movie "The watch"?:D