By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 20:58 - United States

Today, I flew home from college to see my parents. Later I found the expensive painting and hand-made necklace I mailed to my mom for mother's day while taking out the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 709
You deserved it 3 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, your mother sounds like a real bitch. That's just terrible.

You have a good reason to not buy her anything ever again now.


I was groomed from a young age to not buy my mother gifts; she always told me I could never afford what she really wanted (i.e. a piece of estate jewelry, Louis Vuitton luggage) so I could just forget it. She even mocked a sub-par mother's day breakfast I made her when I was ten, bringing me to tears. The point is not that my mother and your mother are bitches. The point is that you shouldn't give gifts that thrill you more than the receiver. In any event, it's a good excuse to never buy her anything ever again.

Afghanee666 0

YDI for sending that devil worship shit! Commit suicide, beat your mother for disrespecting a man AND JOIN THE TALIBAN!

@18, what kind of handmade stuff are you buying if it looks shitty? Or what kind of handmade stuff are you MAKING? Handmade stuff has extra care put into it because it can have more time spent on it. I'm not talking about the mass-produced "handmade" crap that gets imported from China, I mean real, unique handmade items. @OP, that sucked. But you should be glad you don't have parents like mine, who have saved everything I've ever gotten them and still have a box of my old schoolworks in their closet :[

YDI for buying expensive things for your ungrateful mother on an overrated "holiday", especially while you're in college. Secondly, why the hell would you make something for her or anyone for that matter? Odds are you're in your 20s, learn how to grow up.

I handmake stuff all the time - knitted usually, but sometimes jewelry. The stuff I make is sometimes better than store quality and definitely unique. I've also bought stuff that was handmade/custom made that I never would have been able to find otherwise. BTW, I'm 25.

I don't buy my mother anything for Mother's day. Anything I get her, she doesn't like. I just take her out for dinner.

angeldo6695 0

Please continue on posting your FML's regarding your moms. I am taking mental notes because I have a 3 yr old little boy, and I want to make damn sure he never has an FML to post about me =)