By dumpedandstranded - 15/10/2009 20:19

Today, I flew to Mexico with my (now ex) boyfriend of two years. It was my first time flying, and apparently I have a fear. I had a panic attack on the plane. When we landed, I got dumped for "causing a scene." I am now stranded in Mexico alone for two weeks with no hotel room booked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 854
You deserved it 5 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TriniRockStar 0

he's a duche he dumped you because you had a panic attack

satanstoystore 0

this is a win. you now know his true colors. better to know now then when youre deeply committed (kids, mortgage, retirement etc).


Its okay, the drug cartels are friendly this time of year

KenziieeKrunked 5

Dude im sorry D: that really sucks:o

Wow, a hell of a lot of people don't know what panic attacks really are, huh? They are INVOLUNTARY. I have panic disorder, and it's screwed up my life. I have to take meds and go to counselling for it. If I could 'just get rid of it,' I would do that right now. People don't understand how real these things are. Panic attacks are not stupid or childish. They are something that cannot be helped. @ozymandias, you are an idiotic asshole. Clearly, you have no idea what a panic attack is. It's not something like, "Ooh, I'm so scared, help me everyone, look at me!" it's like this: you start to feel nauseous, then you start to choke, and it gets harder and harder to breath. Your body starts to shake, and you're sweating and your heart rate increases rapidly. This goes on for a few minutes up to an hour, depending on the situation. I honestly wish, SO much, that I could give my panic disorder to you. Then YOU can have fun shutting up and 'stop acting like a whiny drama queen.'

And you decide to write an FML about it instead of looking for a hotel or something. Productive.

That's why you book rooms before you leave..then if something happens on the way, you can lock his ass out of the room and take his name off the list

Wow what an asshole. He threw a 2 year old relationship away because you had a panic attack. You're way better off without him then. I'm so sorry for what happened to you though