By namehere34 - 29/12/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I found a diamond on the floor, which I could only assume was from one of my brother's cheap earrings. I was positive that it was fake. To prove it to myself, I ran it across my window, as they say only real diamonds cut glass. It's real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 479
You deserved it 42 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

borabora1991 0

Well, now you can sell it to pay for a new window. problem solved!

imperfectclarity 0

I still don't get why you would have done that...


dreamer13 0

how is this an FML? you founda real diamond! omg! so what about the window?!?!?!?

arouraxtc 0

i only have one thing to say ...... FAIL LOL

arouraxtc 0

i only have one thing to say ...... FAIL LOL

it's not an fml u have a diamond if th windows gonna cost to get it fixed sell th stone

Why does your brother have diamond earrings??

Quizno16 0

Who thinks I'm gonna go scratch a window when they find a diamond

JocelynKaulitz 28

sell the diamond and use the money to replace ur window problem solved

aschulthesz 0

glass and diamonds are a 10 on the scale of minerals the only think that could scratch one is the other. get a ******* education you dumb shit. I learned that in FRESHMAN science. I hate stupid people , especially the ones who think their smart.

Sorry to correct you, but glass is only a 6-7 on the Mohs Scale (not called the minerals scale) while glass is a 10. Glass cannot cut diamonds because minerals higher on the Mohs scale are harder. I'm a 7th grader. Maybe you're the one who needs to get an education? And by saying you hate stupid people you're being hypocritical.

How is this an fml? because you scratched the window?

Please pardon my potential ignorance here, but ... How is this an FML? Are the OP ACTUALLY insinuating that a flawed window is enough of a negative to cancel out finding a lose diamond on their floor?